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Outbound Training an Opportunity or Not??

Out bound training (OBT) has become the new trend in the Sri Lankan corporate sector. Many of us Sri Lanka’s have the notion that the activities that are carried-out on an outbound training are a stupid waste of time, but reality is that it is an invaluable experience. Our company went on a three day outbound training (OBT) recently. I was optimistic and eager to go from the beginning as it was going to be a whole new experience for me. However, many pessimistic colleagues went on the training as though a bull were dragged to a slaughter house, because the company stipulated that participation was compulsory. We had various activities which were aimed to bring out key areas such as Team work, trust, strategic thinking, leadership, responsibility etc. We were taken white-water rafting and also participated in an adventure trek which was competitive and challenging but at the same time it was enjoyable. There where also less physical activities which involved strategic thinking. In addi...

Why be a Puppet on a String ??

In life you come across various people with different personalities. While, some might have an optimistic outlook to life the others might be dreadfully pessimistic. Therefore IMO these vast spectrum of people can be differentiated on one main factor which is self-confidence . Are there other factors to differentiate such people in your opinion? Self-confidence is not something that you can purchase. It is something that you should cultivate in yourself over the years. In my eyes I think that the lack of self-confidence is the root cause for people to end up becoming puppets whose lives are controlled by others. Pleasing others in order to avoid conflict is the sole purpose in the life for such people. IMO there are two types of people who fall into this category. Some of them are born to be ruled by others as they prefer getting others to make their decisions and others have turn out to be like that due to a traumatic experience in life (i.e. a bad childhood etc.) Do you think that th...

The Cradle to the Grave - A sure path for us all..

Just as a flower blooms and slowly withers away, all of us who are born into this world are compelled to traverse through the same phases in life. Nevertheless, most of us who are able bodied tend to forget the realities of old age oblivious to the fact that all of us one day will befall the same fate. I guess the grumbling and childlike behaviour of old people tend to make our patience run on a very small tether?? Nevertheless I think that all of us should stop to ponder on what the elderly are really going through . But trust me sometimes its mind boggling for us to comprehend what they are really going through…coz to us it sometimes seems as though they are pretending. This is probably because we are in denial or because we haven’t placed ourselves in their shoes. In my view being dependent on others due to being unable to do things for yourself is probably the most awful thing in life, because being in such a state hits the core of our self-esteem and in most instances sends the pe...

Is it worth remaining in a Loveless Marriage??

Ralph Fiennes and together with Juliann e Moore who played the leading roles in the movie “The End of the Affair” brought the plot to life with an electrifying performance. This movie was about a passionate woman who was trapped in a loveless marriage which eventually drove her into the arms of another man. The plot of this movie is very real and applicable to some marriages. There are quite a number of couples who live in loveless marriages where there is simply no love in the marriage anymore or in some instances there never was any love to begin with. What brings a marriage to such a deadlock where you are totally oblivious to the feelings of your spouse? Is it lack of communication or is it due to people being too tied up in the rat race of life?? Well, I wouldn’t know coz I haven’t ventured into marriage as yet…. Nevertheless, I think that it is an awful situation to be in. Aren’t we all human beings with feelings??? Can you blame a person who is driven into the arms of another or...

Small Fish with Swollen Heads !!

Doesn’t it sometimes really annoy the hell out of you when some people think that they are “it” and boss the rest around as though they were the most powerful person in the universe?? Well, when it come to me such people just make my blood boil… When I look around I have noticed that most of such swollen headed people are really those with the least power. They think that they are “the cats whiskers” just because of the fact that they work for a significant person (i.e. the Ambassador and other diplomats, GM, CEO, minister etc.). Well, some such people are securities of embassies/ big organizations, sectaries to the senior management in an organization/ ministry etc. Don’t get me wrong, im not saying that all such people are like that ! I just wish that all such small fish (metaphorically speaking) with swollen heads will wake up one day and realize that they ought to get a life without being so bitchy… I guess others too may have come across such arrogant people. What do you think of ...

Is’nt Money the Root to all Evil??

When I look around I see how money destroys people’s lives. It’s as though it creeps into the human system like a thief in the night and then starts eating away like a cancer into the very core of the human value system. I don’t dispute the fact that all of us need money to survive in this world but in reality how much do we need?? Coz the way I see it the more money people have the more they want. Some people even tend to have the perception that money can buy you anything. I don’t agree with such people coz to me it seems a very shallow way of thinking. Happiness and love which are some of the most magnificent gifts in life can not be bought. Some parents work really hard to earn lots of money to give their kids every luxury in life. But at the end of the day what’s the use of it all?? Those parents will only be able to provide materialistically for their kids which is simply NOT ENOUGH. Children need much more by way of love, affection and not forgetting the most important on the li...

Don’t marriages need a solid foundation??

To some marriage seems the “Be All” and “End All” and to others it seems a status symbol. Why on earth is that the case heaven only know….. I am not referring to the couples who have been carrying on for a long period of time and then ventured into marriage. In my eyes such people are wise coz I think its best to get to know the person properly before taking that big leap. Many Sri Lanka’s stick to traditions and get married through proposals without getting to know the other person properly. But, I guess getting married via proposals is part and parcel of some people’s culture and I guess their mind frames are trained from their tender years. I seriously can’t see myself ever getting married through a proposal coz there is quite a lot of unknown elements in the picture. Then again it’s not only in proposals that people hardly get to know each other before getting married… Well, I personally have nothing against marriage. Nevertheless, what I don’t get is why on earth people rush into ...