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It’s NOT Goodbye

We LAUGH !! We LOVE !! We CRY !! Yes, Life is nothing short of a rollercoaster ride with its UPs and DOWNs. A strange concoction but its REALITY Life goes on without any PAUSE, REWIND, or FAST-FORWARD buttons. At some point in life we have to face the inevitable however hard it may tug at our heartstrings. The more we LOVE the harder it is to let go. As a babe I was jolted with loss; but, an angel came along and loved us as his own. With a heart of gold, he was ever ready to help even a perfect stranger. He was a precious jewel to all who got to know him – He loved with all his heart, never kept grudges, devoted his life to care for others and made the most of life while it was around. I guess the heavens above all of a sudden realized that they were missing an angel and snatched him from us without while he lay sleeping. I look around and all that’s left is a picture. Everyday reality stares us in the face; but, still for all it feels like a DREAM. Nevertheless, I am really thankful f

A Bittersweet Moment

There was hustle and bustle in the air while the days kept growing nearer and nearer, but she still couldn’t convince myself that it was all happening before her own eyes. “You are going to miss me when I’m gone” he said, but she replied in her normal carefree spirit “You will be back on swift wings” The penny simply refused to sink in even while she was getting ready and posing for all the pre-wedding snaps; to her it felt like she was only part of the wedding retinue and nothing more. She simply couldn’t come to terms with reality, that her one and only sibling was getting married and moving out. She took her position to walk up the isle. All of a sudden she noticed some of her relations walk into church. “Wonder how they know the couple?” she thought to herself. It only took a flicker of a moment for reality to strike her. She couldn’t stop to reason with her thoughts as the initial hymn was already being played and she had to hold her composure. Every step up the isle only confirme

Switching Modes

Sometime a hundred things may be on your mind. You think to yourself tomorrow’s a new day. You go to sleep hoping that your mind will clear in the morning. BUZZ !!!! BUZZ!!!!!!! BUZZ!!!!!!!!!!!! The alarm goes, you fumble in your sleep to reach for the alarm and put it off and then roll around lazily in bed. Little by little you start to really awake. As soon as you are wide awake all the mind baggage hits you with a thud. “Why didn’t I sort all this out yesterday” you think. But, it’s too late. Morning has already dawned….. You don’t have the time to deal with all of this. You have to get ready for life’s daily rat race WORKkkkkkkkk. You wrestle with your mind, to keep these nagging thoughts at bay. You, step into work. “Good Morning” everyone greets you as you pass by. You are forced to reply because you don’t want to publicize how you really feel or what’s on your mind; because you have been thought never to mix your personal life with your work life. Besides you have a very busy da