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Showing posts from September, 2008

You can never take too many

I simply love clicking at every moment; coz each moment is special in its own way. As a result I snap away so that I can capture the moments and preserve them. Those days I was rather reluctant to snap at every turn coz it was rather a costly affair and time consuming process when it came to printing the snaps out. So I had to be selective and hope that I got a good pick. Later on came the digital camera which allowed me to click at every turn and delete snaps if they didn’t meet my fancy. The down side of the digital camera was the fact that I had to always remember to charge the camera batteries in advance as the camera used to virtually drink up all the battery energy before I could barely begin my venture. Not to mention I used to have to make it a point to take the camera around. After that came my 3.2pix camera phone – SE K800i. To me it’s all that I want and more. The picture quality and snaps are awesome and I can video off it as well which is an added bonus. After I got my SE...

It’s NOT Goodbye

We LAUGH !! We LOVE !! We CRY !! Yes, Life is nothing short of a rollercoaster ride with its UPs and DOWNs. A strange concoction but its REALITY Life goes on without any PAUSE, REWIND, or FAST-FORWARD buttons. At some point in life we have to face the inevitable however hard it may tug at our heartstrings. The more we LOVE the harder it is to let go. As a babe I was jolted with loss; but, an angel came along and loved us as his own. With a heart of gold, he was ever ready to help even a perfect stranger. He was a precious jewel to all who got to know him – He loved with all his heart, never kept grudges, devoted his life to care for others and made the most of life while it was around. I guess the heavens above all of a sudden realized that they were missing an angel and snatched him from us without while he lay sleeping. I look around and all that’s left is a picture. Everyday reality stares us in the face; but, still for all it feels like a DREAM. Nevertheless, I am really thankful f...